The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond at the LHC thumbnail
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The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond at the LHC

Published on Feb 04, 20143234 Views

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The long journey to the Higgs boson and beyond at the LHC00:00
The Large Hadron Collider project01:08
LHC roadmap to the Higgs - 102:14
LHC roadmap to the Higgs - 202:43
Particle Physics03:28
Remember Einstein04:12
History of the Universe05:50
A real collision event recorded on 30th March 201006:58
The Standard Model of Particle Physics07:52
A most basic question09:52
The ‘periodic system’ of elementary particles in the Standard Model10:43
Standard Model of Elementary Particles11:19
Announced on 8th October and celebrated on 10th December 201312:09
Lagrangian of the Standard Model (SM)…12:45
Why do we need a Higgs?13:01
A cartoon ‘illustrating’ the scalar Brout-Englert-Higgs field15:21
The protons, neutrons, and many others like pions, kaons …16:16
The SM is not a complete theory - 117:35
The SM is not a complete theory - 217:53
The SM is not a complete theory - 318:31
CERN was founded 195418:47
CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research - The world’s largest particle physics laboratory19:38
User community of the CERN laboratory20:11
How the LHC came to be … - 120:32
How the LHC came to be … - 221:29
How the LHC came to be … - 322:00
How the LHC came to be … - 422:11
How the LHC came to be … - 522:51
The Large Hadron Collider Machine23:13
Pedagogical sketch of a hadron collider23:36
LHC Construction Project24:38
The particle beams are accelerated by superconducting Radio-Frequency (RF) cavities25:49
Special quadrupole magnets (‘Inner Triplets’)26:00
CERN’s particle accelerator chain26:39
Collisions at the LHC27:05
Collisions at the LHC are complex28:11
What we are looking for …28:37
Detectors for particle physics28:59
The SM is not a complete theory29:50
Specialized detectors30:23
General purpose detectors30:33
The LHC World of CERN30:42
ATLAS Collaboration31:04
Age distribution of the ATLAS population31:36
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 133:09
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 233:19
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 333:32
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 433:41
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 533:51
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 633:51
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 733:53
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 833:54
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 933:55
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 1033:56
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 1133:58
The Underground Cavern at Point-1 for the ATLAS Detector - 1234:05
Examples of ATLAS detector construction contributions from the Slovenian group34:23
ATLAS 4 April 200835:13
Interconnections of two magnets35:26
Expecting in the ATLAS Control Room the first LHC beam to collide on November 23rd, 2009....35:57
The joy in the ATLAS Control Room when the first LHC beam collided on November 23rd, 2009....36:10
First collisions at the LHC end of November 200936:14
A well-deserved toast36:36
The LHC and experiments performances were simply fantastic over the last three years37:01
Excellent LHC performance37:26
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) - 138:03
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) - 238:35
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) - 339:05
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) - 439:08
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) - 639:15
Physics Highlights39:43
The di-muon spectrum40:12
Jet physics41:12
Very detailed jet measurements are now available from LHC that can be compared with QCD calculations …42:45
Standard Model Physics43:09
Z and W production - 144:36
Z and W production - 244:41
W transverse mass44:45
What a contrast to the Intermediate Vector Boson discovery distributions in 1982 and 1983 by UA1 and UA2 …44:47
Cross section measurements44:48
Top measurements45:41
tt candidate event46:39
tt pair production cross-sections47:08
A summary of Standard Model measurements47:19
Higgs boson48:04
Candidate for a H → Z Z* → μμ μμ event48:07
Very happy faces after the announcement of the discovery on 4th July 2012 at CERN and at ICHEP Melbourne48:32
H → γγ49:00
H → ZZ(*) → 4l (4e, 4μ, 2e2μ)50:43
How significant is the signal for the new particle? - 151:42
How significant is the signal for the new particle? - 254:16
Is the new particle a Higgs boson?54:22
Detailed studies of the production and decay properties56:18
Birth and evolution of a signal: H → 4l57:09
Searches Beyond the Standard Model57:36
Supersymmetry (SUSY)57:58
Dark Matter in the Universe59:21
In practice SUSY searches at LHC are rather complicated01:01:36
An example from the 2011 data01:02:53
Interpretation of the results01:03:55
SUSY limits01:04:40
Searches for heavy W and Z like particles01:05:02
Lower mass limits, at 95% CL, for spin-2 Randall-Sundrum Gravitons01:06:03
If theories with Extra-dimensions are true, microscopic black holes could be abundantly produced and observed at the LHC - 101:06:44
If theories with Extra-dimensions are true, microscopic black holes could be abundantly produced and observed at the LHC - 201:07:25
Search for Microscopic Black Hole production in models wth large extra dimensions01:07:31
Similar results exist from ATLAS01:08:06
LHC Schedule and Upgrade01:08:13
The journey into new physics territory has just only begun, and for sure, exciting times are ahead of us!01:09:47