Disclosure statement

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CC Licence
I, the undersigned presenter, hereby state that I am the exclusive owner of copyright and related rights on the abovementioned work, which includes the lecture itself as well as all the assisting tools used during the lectures (e.g. the presentation and other similar documents). As the exclusive right owner I hereby agree that Jožef Stefan Institute records the abovementioned work for educational purposes and authorize Jožef Stefan Institute to distribute and make available to the public the abovementioned work in various media, including, but not limited to classroom, television (broadcast, cable and satellite), internet (including webcasts and podcasts), and any other communications medium currently existing or later created. In accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act of Republic of Slovenia I am therefore transferring non-exclusively, territorially unlimited and for the time of duration of my copyright and related rights to the Jožef Stefan Institute the following economic rights: the right of reproduction, the right of distribution, the right of public transmission, the right of public communication by phonograms and videograms, the right of public presentation, the right of broadcasting, the right of rebroadcasting, the right of secondary broadcasting and the right of making available to the public. I am keeping my moral rights. For the purpose of translation and subtitling of the abovementioned work and for the purpose of using excerpts of the abovementioned work in non-commercial adverts or other non-commercial promotional materials I am also transferring non-exclusively, territorially unlimited and for the time of duration of my copyright and related rights to the Jožef Stefan Institute the right of transformation of the abovementioned work. As the presenter I affirm that in case my abovementioned work includes works, protected by other persons’ copyright or related rights, I have either gained these persons’ copyright or related rights to these works or have gained their permission for publishing my abovementioned work online. I take full responsibility for potential damages or other claims of other copyright or related rights owners against Jožef Stefan Institute that arise out of publishing my abovementioned work online. I also agree that Jožef Stefan Institute processes my herein provided personal data in the database of presenters for the purpose of managing the portal. As the copyright and related rights owner I am fully aware that the content (including the videorecording of my abovementioned work) is published on the videolectures.net portal under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 licence.

I am informed that, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), I have the rights to:

  • demand access to my personal data
  • demand a correction, deleting or a limitation of processing of my personal data, and that I have the right to object to processing and the right to transfer my personal data,
  • revoke my consent at any time by notifying JSI via the e-mail: [email protected],
  • file a complaint with the Information Commissioner of Slovenia or with a supervisory authority in the Member State of my habitual residence or my place of work.
  • I am informed that:

  • the manager of personal data provided above is used only for the purposes stated above until I revoke my consent,
  • there is no automated decision making done based on my personal data,
  • that the personal data is being stored until this consent is revoked.
  • I allow JSI to process my data

    I allow »Jozef Stefan« Institute (JSI) to process my personal data provided above in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in its database with the purpose to keep a database of all lecturers, published on the Videolectures.Net repository.
