Dizajn molekulskega origamija za nove molekulske stroje in uravnavanje delovanja celic thumbnail
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Dizajn molekulskega origamija za nove molekulske stroje in uravnavanje delovanja celic

Published on Jun 04, 2018985 Views

Proteini so najbolj kompleksne molekule v naravi, ki hkrati predstavljajo »pametne nanostrukture«, saj linearno zaporedje aminokislin določa njihovo strukturo in funkcijo. Kljub zelo kompleksnemu pris

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Chapter list

Dizajn molekulskega origamija za nove molekulske stroje in uravnavanje delovanja celic00:00
Cellular factories and natural molecular machines03:34
Modular building blocks in machine engineering04:22
Natural biopolymers with designable structure05:07
Natural protein origami06:15
Designed protein domain assemblies07:42
Modular shapes08:42
DNA nanotechnology09:12
Natural and designed bionanostructures10:20
Dimeric building modules11:07
Coiled-coils as building blocks13:03
Flexible linker connecting interacting elements - 114:57
Flexible linker connecting interacting elements - 215:16
Deconstructing shape into modules - 115:27
Deconstructing shape into modules - 215:54
Topological analysis of paths16:23
Topological solutions for a tetrahedron16:54
Design of a tetrahedral protein cage17:38
TEM and AFM imaging19:04
Termini of the tetrahedral path coincide19:27
Coincidence of termini by FP reconstitution20:23
Natural and coiled-coil protein origami fold20:58
Polyhedra from parallel and antiparallel edges21:59
Protein folding pathway23:04
Kinetic determination of Topological knots23:39
DNA as the prototyping material25:08
Selection of the folding pathway based on the DNA twist25:54
Relations of the two polynucleotide loops26:40
Allowed and disallowed 3-loop topologies26:52
Building modules of different stability27:36
Square pyramid designs from the same segments27:55
oxDNA coarse grained simulation29:06
Simulation of the kinetics of folding steps29:31
Bottleneck steps in folding30:27
Rapid quenching of DNA designs30:52
Isothermal self-assembly of DNA designs32:15
Pipeline for the design of protein polyhedra32:55
Tunable stability of building modules34:27
Supercharging of CC dimer modules36:08
Orthogonality of supercharged CC modules36:23
Production of the second generation protein origami without refolding36:43
Second generation protein origami37:14
Crosslinking analysis of the topology of TET12SN37:36
SAXS analysis of TET12SN38:01
Polypeptide tetrahedra with different topology38:39
Protein variants to establish the design rules38:56
Rectangular pyramid39:28
Trigonal prism39:45
Structural analysis40:08
In vivo production and biocompatibility40:38
Expression of protein origami in vivo is harmless41:28
Protein interaction domains41:55
Dimerization specificity of CC peptides in human cells42:41
Orthogonality of the designed CC peptide set43:07
CC peptides for directing protein localization43:43
Strategies for the enhanced transcriptional activation44:32
Fine-tuning of transcriptional strength45:00
Enhanced transcription by CC concatenation45:26
Challenges for the future46:00
Hvala lepa !48:08
De novo design of orthogonal coiled-coil pairs56:40