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A Century of Graph Theory

Published on Aug 11, 20145755 Views

Graph theory has changed completely from the late-19th century to the late 20th century, from a collection of mainly recreational problems to a well-developed mainstream area of mathematics. In this t

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Chapter list

A Century of Graph Theory00:00
Graph theory: 1840 - 189002:16
1890: Percy Heawood08:40
1891: Lothar Heffter11:50
1891 / 1898: Julius Petersen 13:36
1892: W. W. Rouse Ball16:39
1895: Gaston Tarry18:05
1904: Paul Wernicke19:39
1907: M. Dehn & P. Heegaard21:05
1910: Heinrich Tietze23:08
1912: G. D. Birkhoff25:32
1913: G. D. Birkhoff27:33
1916: Dénes König29:32
1918: Heinz Prüfer30:38
1922: Philip Franklin31:37
1927: Karl Menger35:08
1927: J. Howard Redfield 36:35
1930: Kasimierz Kuratowski37:52
1930: F. P. Ramsey39:41
1931 - 35: Hassler Whitney41:15
1935 - 37: Georg Pólya42:59
1936: Dénes König44:03
1940: P. Turán45:03
1941: R. L. Brooks 46:01
1943: Hugo Hadwiger 47:20
1946: W. T. Tutte48:10
1952: Gabriel Dirac48:58
Algorithms from the 1950s / 1960s50:06
1959: P. Erdős & A. Rényi 51:07
Graph theory textbooks 51:57
1964: V. G. Vizing 53:39
1968: G. Ringel & J. W. T. Youngs54:37
1972: Laszló Lovász56:01
1976: K. Appel & W. Haken56:56
1970s: computational complexity58:03
1979: H. Glover & J. P. Huneke59:17
1983 - 2004: N. Robertson & P. Seymour59:51