Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved coverage, interoperability and provenance of Life Science Linked Data thumbnail
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Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved coverage, interoperability and provenance of Life Science Linked Data

Published on Jul 08, 20133424 Views

Bio2RDF currently provides the largest network of Linked Data for the Life Sciences. Here, we describe a significant update to increase the overall quality of RDFized datasets generated from open scri

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Bio2RDF Release 2: Improved coverage, interoperability and provenance of Life Science Linked Data00:00
Open source framework00:21
Reduces the time and effort00:37
Main features of Bio2RDF Release 201:53
In a nutshell03:52
Bio2RDF data are identified using simple http URI patterns04:54
Data are described through machine-understandable statements06:44
The linked data network expands with inter-dataset statements07:32
Linked Data: You can look it up08:48
You can get what links to it09:40
Every Bio2RDF dataset now contains provenance metadata10:16
Bio2RDF Release 2 – New and Updated Datasets11:13
Inter-dataset connectivity12:07
Inter and intra dataset namespace links12:49
The Wider Network of Bio2RDF Linked Data13:04
Linked Data for the Life Sciences13:54
Contents / Basic Data Metrics / List of unique types and their frequencies14:10
List of the unique predicate-object links and their counts14:22
Graph summaries in query formulation14:32
You can use the SPARQLed query assistant with updated endpoints15:32
Use virtuoso’s built in faceted browser to construct increasingly complex queries with little effort16:01
Federated Queries over independent SPARQL endpoints16:44
Heterogeneous biological data on the semantic web is difficult to query18:03
Ontology as a strategy to formally represent and integrate knowledge18:40
Semantic data integration, consistency checking and query answering over Bio2RDF with the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO)18:51
Bio2RDF and SIO powered SPARQL 1.1 federated query19:13
Bio2RDF RDFization guidelines are available at our wiki19:30
What the future holds19:30
Bio2RDF Release 2 – A summary23:17
Thank you24:34